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Submitted by BrettJurick on Mon, 2023-06-19 10:06
Saturday, Jun 17, 2023 - 06:00am to Saturday, Jun 17, 2023 - 08:00am

26 members of the North Texas Section met at Luigi’s Italian Café in Rockwall, Texas for lunch.  Rockwall is near the shores of Lake Ray Hubbard and driving across the and lake seeing the boats was special. The weather was great for a meeting and the Italian food was excellent. 

After lunch Jerry Chenault gave an update for activities for the second half of the year.  We had a 50/50 raffle to benefit our club, and thanks to Ron Harwick the winner who donated his winnings to the club.

We had two new members at the lunch, and it is good to see new members joining our section and the multiple types of events that the section tries to include each year gives members and potential members different events that members can pick from to enjoy and grow our section.